Circus Change UP Re-boot
(credit: Mimbre masterclass, Lina Johansson, 2020)
Where are we now with Circus Change Up?
Over the summer a small group of us have been looking in to different structures for networks and consortiums. This was based on the direction from the Structure Working Group following the negative response from the Arts Council back in June.
What Is a Consortium?
A consortium is a group made up of two or more individuals, companies, or governments that work together to achieving a common objective. Entities that participate in a consortium pool resources but are otherwise only responsible for the obligations that are set out in the consortium's agreement. Every entity that is under the consortium, therefore, remains independent with regard to their normal business operations and has no say over another member's operations that are not related to the consortium.
Advice from Counter Culture
We sought advice from Counter Culture ( who presented us with different options, with the preferred option being to set up a new Not For Profit company (NFP) which can be done relatively quickly. This NFP would be made up of a consortium of organisations with a memorandum of Understanding and broad objects which outline their shared goals
The advantages and disadvantages are outlined below:
i. Con – Consider delay/effort getting a bank account and setting up other policies and procedures from scratch.
ii. Con – Some funders may see a brand new NFP as risky but could make use of some ‘borrowed’ history of Consortium members.
iii. Pros – Can later become a charity. It is possible to set up an NFP & start operating now whilst waiting for registration from Charity Commission (needs a year, but the NFP still exists throughout that year and funders, trusts and foundations may still talk to you in that time).
Iv. Pro – Can embed regional representation through the members of the consortium or into the constitution by giving regional founding partners the right to nominate to the board.
A consortium model similar to Without Walls has been suggested. Circus Change Up needs drive to take it forwards and this could be contracted out in the same way Without Walls contracts to X-Trax.
Membership model
The group flagged up the need to have a structure that can reflect and amplify the freelancers voice – the model which would do this most effectively would be a membership organisation, with freelancers being able to vote.
Membership Model:
i. Pros – each freelancer can become a voting member of the organisation = a direct link to management and governance.
ii. Cons – cost in managing a large membership – must look after them – resources needed to get that right = a cost burden?
Many of the aims of Circus Change Up are reflected in the membership model – in that we want to develop a network, resources and support freelancers. However a membership organisation can not be a charity. Charities must be public serving rather than serving a membership. However examples of organisations who have worked around this include No fit State, Circus Works and One Dance so it is possible.
You can access the presentation here
You can access the notes here
Structure Ideas
The consortia to be made up of organisations from the different priority areas, these would be organisations that have the capacity and resources to give a bit of time to CCU so probably NPOs. The consortia would 'hold' CCU in the same way that Crying Out Loud currently holds CCU. It would work towards the common aim of developing and supporting the sector, pooling time and resources. It may be that they contract out management and delivery in the same way that Without Walls contract to X-Trax
There could also be members who pay a small joining fee, that fee goes to paying for the time of 2/3 freelancers who could also sit on the consortia, voted in by the membership. We are aware that there are issues around applying for charity status as a membership organisation that needs unpicking.
The consortia would not be able to pass anything without the approval of membership.
The members could be grouped regionally around different orgs in the priority areas (a bit like Equity) creating hubs
There would also be a board of directors - some of whom could be freelancers
This consortium would then fundraise for activity for CCU - with the first being a project bid for activity in priority areas reflecting some of the ideas in the Working Groups.
A very crude visual representation of the proposed structure.
In order to set up a consortium under the name Circus Change Up we will need funding. As the first attempt for funding was not successful we have sought advice from the Arts Council, who has suggested project funding, so that Circus Change Up can build its own history of funding.
Following a meeting with Clive Lyttle the following is clear:
there needs to be some hard outcomes and activity that correspond with ACE Outcomes.
ensure partners are on board
network of freelancers and NPOs
must include social engagement
targets priority areas
Therefore a potential bid needs to have hard outcomes in priority areas, which benefit freelancers reflecting some of the activity that has arisen in the Working Groups.
Circus Change up as a consortium can provide infrastructure and support, pooling resources to enable this pilot project which can draw the sector together launching Circus Change Up
The members of the consortium may well have their own sector development projects happening which could feed in learning or resources, complement or provide in-kind for a sector wide bid. The point is that the sector is working together, creating opportunities and pooling resources which we are going to need more and more in this economic crisis.
Perhaps looking to the Arts Council for funding is not sustainable, therefore looking at other methods of funding need exploring.
Resource Centre
Supporting all of the above is the resource centre. Lissy Lovett and Tiny Koch have been working with Joshua Smith on designing a site map in consultation with different elements of the sector. The Resource Centre can underpin and sign post the work that the Consortium does, as well as hold resources for the circus community. Josh’s proposal can be seen here
What needs to happen now…?
This is a call to action to help move this project forwards, I have approached freelancers who were involved in working groups to meet to discuss the above ideas and structure and how it might work for them, in terms of membership, having a voice and which organisations they would like to see being part of the consortium. I know that we are all awaiting some big decisions, later this week, but when the dust has cleared it would be good to re-ignite the conversations around sector support and which organisations have the time and capacity to be a part of the Circus Change Up Consortium so that we can move forwards with this important piece of work.
Get Involved
If you are a freelancer or a company who employs freelancers and would like to get involved, or simply have a response or suggestions about any of the above, please contact
Thankyou for your continued support.