A Practical Guide to Brexit for Outdoor Arts Touring Companies
Split Second has teamed up with XTRAX to produce an informative guide to touring post-Brexit entitled A Practical Guide to Brexit for Outdoor Arts Touring Companies.
The document is for companies, artists and festivals and aims to offer advice and clarity on how to prepare to work internationally in 2021 and beyond.
The guide covers a wide range of topics including:
Administrative impact: contracts, tax, insurance, EU funding
Movement of people: visas, passports, ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System), sponsorship licence and accessibility
Movement of goods and vehicles: export and imports, EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification), ATA carnet, driving licences, creative freight solutions
Touring: impact and landscape, working with agents, budgeting.
Given the ambiguous timeline and outcome of the Brexit deal, this guide cannot be conclusive. It does, however, point towards a likely direction. The guide will continue to evolve as more information becomes available. Come back to it in the next weeks and months as Split Second and XTRAX continue to update it as information is shared by the British Government.